Library Programs Policy
Library Board approved in 2024.
In support of its mission to educate, inform, and entertain, the library offers live and online events and programs to meet the needs and interests of the Melrose Park community. Programs sponsored by the MPPL are offered free of charge and are generally open to all interested persons within designated age groups.
Youth and Family Programs are limited to children and caregivers; adult programs may be limited to those over the age of 17. In planning and carrying out its sponsored programs, the Library aspires to meet the standards set forth in the Library Bill of Rights. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or of the views expressed by the participants.
Programs may be canceled for a number of reasons such as severe weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration/attendance.
The Library also recognizes that the resources available for the sponsorship of programs are limited and the selection, planning and implementation of library-sponsored programs ultimately rest in the discretion of the Library’s professional staff and the Board of Library Trustees.The MPPL may also co-sponsor programs that support the library’s mission with local organizations or government entities. Presenters may not require program participants to provide their names or other personal information or to accept a business card or any handouts. While a presenter may not market merchandise during a presentation, the Library may grant permission to have merchandise/materials related to the program available for purchase at the conclusion of the program. The Library does not sell merchandise/materials on behalf of any presenter/performer.