Did you know you can request books online? You are able to place holds through the online catalog. Once you have found your desired item, click on its title to open the full record to view copy availability and location. If your desired items are checked out, click Place a Hold. You will be prompted to log into your library account to complete placing the hold. Click here for step by step instructions on how to place a hold.
Wait for an email, text, or phone call letting you know the items are ready to pick up!
You can also call us to place a hold an item. If you have any questions, please call: (708) 649-7400.
Renew an Item:
Did you know you can renew books online? You are able to renew through the online catalog. While you are logged into your account, you can view your current checkouts and renew items. Click the box next to the item(s) you’d like to extend and click Renew. You might not be able to renew items if other patrons are waiting or if you have reached the renewal limit. If renewal is approved, a new due date will appear on the screen.
You can also call us to renew an item for you. Items will automatically renew unless there is a hold on an item or you have reached your two renewal limit. If you have an email address on file you will receive an email indicating which of your checked out item automatically renewed. Click here for step by step instructions on how to renew.
If you have any questions, please call us: (708) 649-7400.
Find My PIN:
Login to check your account to find and modify your PIN. If you don’t know your PIN, you can click ‘Forget PIN’ and get it emailed to you. You may also reset your PIN in person at Patron’s Service Desk.
Pay a Fee:
The Melrose Park Library does not charge any fees for overdue materials checked out at the MPPL. A block will be placed on a patron’s card when any checked out item is more than 14 days overdue. Patrons are responsible for paying replacement and processing costs for lost or damaged items.
| Hours
Mon | Wed| Fri – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tue | Thur– 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Sat– 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Sun –Closed
Closed Last Saturday of the Month Memorial Day – Labor Day: Closed Every Saturday